WE celebrated halloween with our Church, LBC, this year. It was seriously legit and such a better alternative to trick or treating. The kids had so much fun... except Calvin cried every time we had to get him out of that train.
I am really trying to catch up on our blogging for the out of town family members especially. Here we have the remnants of Calvin's bite wound he got from some little girl at "The Marketplace". The Marketplace is the best strip mall in Bako... they have a fountain and everything.
Milo was showing off his new chonies tonight. No, he is not potty-trained... not even close. But like Vali said, we should make every kid wear cowboy boots and boxer briefs cause it makes them cuter. Calvin however is potty trained... we have trained him to go to the bathroom in his diaper while sitting on the pot. It is amazing. Oh yeah... Calvin ate a flower that was part of an arrangement on our kitchen counter the other day during breakfast. His grandma GG took this picture of him later that day. The pollen from the flower stained his entire face and both hands.
Thank you Joel Flory for the amazing family photos. We don't have any other good shots of the whole family actually looking at the camera with a pleasant face.
Boyz at the Pizzy fo' Shizzy from curtis nemetz on Vimeo. My parents came into town and took the boys to the park. A perfect opportunity to practice the glide cams. Also, Milo helped me make this video. He seriously sat in a chair for nearly an hour and gave me suggestions. It was awesome. I have never been so proud.