We were going to go to the zoo but realized Milo probably wouldn't even be able to find the animals. So we went to a petting zoo instead. Milo was all freaked out by the animal noises but had a blast playing with all the other kids there. We gave him ice cream and cake and he loved it. A video will be coming of the day if I can find a couple minutes to put one together.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILO!!! Carter wants to know what it's like to be so grown up? :-) Wish we could be closer to do 'joint' birthday parties! We're praying for you guys as you get ready to meet Calvin. (Any baby room pics by the way?) Miss you guys
Oh my goodness. Milos teeth are really coming through. they look kinda big for such a little guy (he may get his mom's teeth:). I heard the petting zoo was fun. Miss you guys. I'd love to see him walk if you feel like putting a video up.
love you guys,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY from your fellow band mate. I hope I am as cool as you when I am 1yr old!
aww! he's gotten even cuter!
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