We tried going to church today. Vali hung out with Calvin in church while I hung out with Milo in the nursery. We decided after church that we are going to take a hiatus from our Christianity until the boys are in Kindergarten.
Things are getting a little crazy at the Nemetz house now that we have two boys. We are swaddling Milo, putting diapers on the kid's heads, and screwing up which diaper goes on which kid. In addition to all that my jokes on the blog are going out the window with our lack of sleep. We are having a blast though.
On August 8th Vali and I went out to dinner for one last date before Calvin joined our lives. We never got our food. Vali went into labor in the middle of the restaurant and so we had to leave. We got to the hospital around 11pm and then she had Calvin at 11:54 the next morning. Fortunately they let us go home today around noon. Mom and baby are doing great (I have always wanted to say that and sound like a total nerd). Enjoy the slide show and feel free to comment on our new little booger. You can click on the slide show and it will allow you to view all of the pictures at your own pace.
Here are some photos from my birthday bash. I heard rumors that the party my parents threw me cost as much as a large scale wedding. Probably true but who knows?