Monday, October 20, 2008

new pics

kind of random, but here are some new pictures. One more month of wedding season and then I am going to be a blogging machine.


Unknown said...

Thanks Curtis for the new pictures and the enthusiasm for your future blogging adventures. Calvin is looking so much older and Milo seems to be acting a lot older. I loved seeing these pictures. I miss you guys and hope to talk with y'all soon.

Andrea said...

Love the new pics, it had been awhile since we'd seen any fresh faces.... umm, are you for hire??? to take some snaps of the fam-damily??? Let me know what you think- AH

mel @ the larson lingo said...

Curtis your boys are so cute! Hope you are doing well!
-mel cartmell

be gifted said...

they have snot,
love madeira

Anonymous said...

Val and Curtis---those boys are darn cute. So glad they take after you Vali. Can't believe how they have grown.
No grandbabies here so far. I will be the oldest grandmother ever. That is what we get for starting so late.
I am so glad grandma GG sent your blog---thank her for me.
Merry Christmas. A get that boy a train.
Love, Lyn