Monday, June 08, 2009

Daddy Olympics

My good friend Dog (Jeff Pray) and I took our 4 boys out to dinner. We are going for the "dad of the year" award this year...
It was pretty much awesome and we got some sweet looks.
Disclaimer: I did pound a Red Bull and a Margarita in order to get through this event.


Bako Pray Family said...

I cannot believe that you dads and the boys all came back in one piece. Go Daddy Curtis and Doggy!

mima said...

You dads are amazing! It looks like all went well. I cannot believe how much Ollie has changed since we last saw him! I cannot wait to hug on all three boys!

Mommy Diffee said...

Hi neighbor, you guys have a blog! How fun! I wish we knew sooner you lived a block away =( Cute cute cute blog!

be gifted said...

Mixing Red Bulls and Margaritas are not good for you. I will let this one slide though due to the circumstances in which you consumed.

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!!! Dads of the year for sure!
Kelly and david :)