So let me know if anyone out there is still in the Blog Oh Sphere.
If I do this, I will include stories such as the one that happened today... Milo and Calvin filled our fish bowl with Play Dough. I barely saved our fish's (Dorthy a male Beta) life.
are you kidding? you think nobody checks cuz you haven't posted in weeks! (are you busy or something?) :) I was shocked to see a new post, and would definitely be interested in the daily life with 3 boys... for obvious reasons :) Hope you guys are doing well and surviving!
PS- these pics might look a tad too much like child abuse to CPS, you may want to consider removing them from the internet, I dont think Oliver liked his first run-in with the clippers!
Of course you need to posts things to the blog. Where else can I show people the crazy things that happen in Bakersfield with kids holding guns and newborns getting their heads shaved?
yeah u crazy esa. blogs rock, and you'd get some more action, if you updated more. facebook still sucks, so keep the blog alive. we like the apple IIe of the day. we thinkin of shavin ozzy's hair, but methinks his reaction would be much like your oliver. ps i seriouly cannot believe you stay home with three boys. really. truly. crazy impressed.
Alright! Sweet... thanks for the feedback. By the way Holly, the only reason we named Oliver Oliver is cause we thought your Oliver had such a sick name.
Don't worry, I'm a mandated reporter so I will just turn myself in.
People don't do that stuff in San Ramon? Just go 15 minutes to Livermore and I'm sure you'll see the same stuff.
Keep blogging! I check all three of my kids' blogs on a regular basis--so far Cari is the only one who updates. Connor is the worst! Doesn't look like Ollie like the haircut too much--poor baby!
I check it all the time! Please keep posting :)
Swank and Charles
who doesn't read blogs anymore? people with three kids, maybe. . .i am excited for the daily posts. and madeira will be too. the boys all looked super cute with their shaved heads. sorry, oliver, but pain is beauty. i wrote that wrong, but it sounds more boy-ish that way anyways.
Yup, I still check blogs too I hope to meet Oliver soon!
um ya...i read it. always. long lost friends in bako. one of the coolest dads ever. how could i not? besides, you could be the only person on earth that shaves their month old kids hair.
i can't believe you almost peaced out on blogs- don't go there- but then again I can't believe you shaved your sweet babies head... your boys are cute no matter what you do to them! keep the posts coming, we all could use a little laugh!
keep keep keep it up...keep that blogging spirit up
Curtis, without skyping, this is the only avenue to my nephews. I would read the posts every day...and if you wanted I would comment too, but i think it would just get redundant me saying how great those boys are and how much I want to talk with you guys on skype or can't wait to see you all soon. But yeah, I would read!
We are praying that our grandson doesn't go through the same torture. Cousins don't have to experience the same things do they? I think we'll check what is going on at your house before we do sleep overs!! Uncle Jeff never liked butch cuts either. love you guys
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