Monday, May 11, 2009

Oh Dang

6 weeks is up. Vali has gone back to work. Pray for me.


lorieloo said...

you amaze me.

cara said...

Curtis we are loving the blogging!

mima said...

Good luck!

MacD Kids said...

After the 'rap' footage it seems to me you've got things pretty under control... looks like you're doing just fine, I was gonna ask for tips! :)

be gifted said...

we are loving the muscle shirts.

Jenn said...

you are my hero. and my boss. but mostly my hero.

Jenny Schlenker said...

dude, seriously you are amazing!

Andrea said...

glad to hear you are all still alive- we were thinking of you and the boys as Val headed back to work.... looks like you are hangin' just fine and even have time to bake cookies- are you for hire??? :)

Olive Oyl said...

I love reading your updates! You pretty much have my husband's dream job. So enjoy the time at home with those beautiful boys!